Having grown up on a farm in Brooklyn, just outside Montague, Nancy has lived most of her life on P.E.I. Before opening Belle’s Boutique in March of 2008, Nancy worked at various jobs from a tobacco farm, restaurants, a bank and a funeral home.
When coming up with a name for her new retail shop, Nancy knew she wanted to keep the “Belle’s” tradition going. Since 1940, there has always been a “Belle’s” in Montague. Belle McGowan was the first to open a “Belle’s” and her store was called “The Belle’s Shop.” To keep the tradition alive, Nancy decided on the name “Belle’s Boutique.”
Belle’s Boutique supports local by making annual to the food bank, donating merchandise to benefits of various types, sponsoring local venues and concerts. Pre Covid, Nancy and her team would put on fashion shows as fundraisers for local clubs and women’s groups or entertainment events for seniors home.
Without the support of the local and communities, Nancy says that Belle’s Boutique would never have survived during Covid. They have some fantastic customers that have also become very good friends. It feels very special to Nancy and her team when they get repeat customers and new customers who appreciate them being open in the community and appreciate the service they provide.