Love Local, PEI: Evangeline Recreation Commission


The Evangeline Recreation Commission, which operates a community arena with an active board of directors and is managed by Samuel Bernard, has been in operation for the past 30 years. In 2011, they opened the doors to a brand new facility. Their mission is to create a welcoming community facility that promotes active living in a safe environment for people of all ages in a sustainable building.


“Working as a team to maintain and create a welcoming arena for all to enjoy is what drives the staff and the board to continue operating the facility and to continue to create many partnerships within the community,” says Samuel Bernard, Manager



As a community arena, Evangeline Recreation Commission hosts minor hockey, figure skating, all levels of competitions, and Andrews Hockey School. Their Board and staff operate the arena and canteen from September until May each year, and in the summer, they host festivals and events, plus a youth floor hockey league.


The facility has a full gym with over 150 members. They provide the community with a room for meetings, birthday parties and other events for youth and seniors.