How Can I Help?

How Can I Help?
Think about the possibilities if Islanders came together and directed 10% of their annual household spending to locally owned and operated businesses.
Think about the possibilities if Islanders came together and directed
10% of their annual household spending
to locally owned and operated businesses.

A 10% shift to local would support 460 local jobs.
A 10% shift to local would contribute $16 million in labour income.

Up to 1,300 self-employed workers jobs on PEI are at-risk from shopping out of province.
Buying local creates nearly 20x the impact on labour income compared to online shopping.
Source: Statistics Canada/Calculations by PEI Department of Finance

Every $100 spent locally creates $45 in economic value here in PEI.
Source: Statistics Canada/Calculations by PEI
Ways you can shift 10% of your spending to local:

Make the 10% Shift today.
I am committed to make the 10% shift to local by consciously dedicating 10% of my consumer spending to locally owned and operated businesses.
Other Ways You Can Love Local:
Find Your Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce across Prince Edward Island is working to support local businesses Island-wide through education and awareness of the impact of supporting local business. When you Love Local, you make a difference.
The Chamber of Commerce across Prince Edward Island collectively represent over 2,000 businesses in their membership. Support local businesses that support PEI.
Visit the Chamber membership directories for a list of local businesses and services in your area.